First.... If I didn't mention this before
let me mention it now
I suck at blogging.
Blogging with a newborn is no easy task.....
Moving on.
Alright...tonight I'd thought I'd write about my
with deciding to not vaccinate our daughter.
It started once again with my mother...
[Most people say they don't want to parent their children like they were parented...
but I must say, I have a much different view.
I hope I can influence Brynnley like my mom has influenced me.]
I hope I can influence Brynnley like my mom has influenced me.]
She had us watch a video on Netflix "linking" autism & vaccinating.
Yes, we are plenty aware of the controversy...
And did not make our decision based on these "findings."
However, it did catch our interest.
I'm not sure if it was the controversy of it all...
or maybe just the fact that Tim & I
love to go against the grain.
But it sent us on a search to figure out what we want for
our daughter.
We read about Dr. Sears and the delayed schedule of vaccines.
"A lot of parents don't really trust the vaccine system,"
"I felt that if I could give parents a better understanding of vaccines--
as well as an alternative way to approach giving vaccines--
then these families
who, otherwise might not vaccinate,
could go ahead and feel comfortable with vaccinating."
Dr. Sears also talks about a
Selective Vaccination Schedule
which has the "bare minimum vaccinations."
However, it did catch our interest.
I'm not sure if it was the controversy of it all...
or maybe just the fact that Tim & I
love to go against the grain.
But it sent us on a search to figure out what we want for
our daughter.
We read about Dr. Sears and the delayed schedule of vaccines.
"A lot of parents don't really trust the vaccine system,"
"I felt that if I could give parents a better understanding of vaccines--
as well as an alternative way to approach giving vaccines--
then these families
who, otherwise might not vaccinate,
could go ahead and feel comfortable with vaccinating."
Dr. Sears also talks about a
Selective Vaccination Schedule
which has the "bare minimum vaccinations."
After much consideration, reading,(more then just Dr. Sears), research, ect
Tim & I decided we did not want to vaccinate Brynnley.
(or at least not yet, maybe a selective schedule later on)
(or at least not yet, maybe a selective schedule later on)
Which is COMPLETELY legal
in the state of MN.
(And every state except for West Virginia)
She can still play sports, go to school, and everything else
just so long as we sign something saying we don't believe in vaccinations.
No big deal, right?
In the hospital I had to sign at least 2 different pieces of paper (after 20 hours of labor)
I did not want my
TWO HOUR old baby to get a shot for
Hepatitis B.
[a sexually transmitted disease]
[a sexually transmitted disease]
Not only that, but I had to tell the nurse multiple different times
that we did not want her to have the vaccine.
As if that was torture enough we have received
letters, postcards, packets even, about how we must get her vaccinated.
[Waste of paper & resources? I think so.]
So THEN at her first doctors appointment I got chewed out.
After telling the physician that we did not want her to receive her 2 month shots,
the doctor proceeded to talk to me like I was an idiot.
Dr. "Wow....9.5 pounds, thats a big baby. Was it a vaginal delivery?"
Me: "Yeah.. she was."
Dr. "It was vaginal...? they didn't cut your stomach open?"
Me: " was a vaginal delivery."
Dr. "So they didn't cut you open? ......Hmm let me check your file."
.....are you SERIOUS?
I'm pretty sure I KNOW where that baby came from.
UGH! Okay I know that was completely off topic,
but for the rest of the check up she proceeded to talk to me like a two year old.
I was so terribly offended...
Needles to say, our 2 month check up was with a
different physician.
So at our 2 month check up it was just me and bunnies,
(timmy was working)
and let me tell you... I was pretty nervous for the torment to come.
After I had told the doctor that I did not want her vaccinated right away,
and explained our reasoning, the pediatrician was
surprisingly supportive.
[Okay, supportive might be pushing it.]
But she didn't chop my head off.
Instead she said printed off something from the CDC
if I chose to have her vaccinated, there are a few vaccines that need to be done by a certain age.
She examined Brynnley and said she is growing and developing healthy.
Although she believes I should still have her vaccinated,
she also believes mama's know whats best for their babies.
Annnnnd she told me not to believe everything I read on the internet!
I'm exhausted, and needing to wrap this up.
I do not at all look down on people who choose to vaccinate their children!
However, we don't feel its right for us, or our daughter.
Just thought I'd throw out there some of what we've gone through in this decision making process.
But hey,
to each their own
As if that was torture enough we have received
letters, postcards, packets even, about how we must get her vaccinated.
[Waste of paper & resources? I think so.]
So THEN at her first doctors appointment I got chewed out.
After telling the physician that we did not want her to receive her 2 month shots,
the doctor proceeded to talk to me like I was an idiot.
Dr. "Wow....9.5 pounds, thats a big baby. Was it a vaginal delivery?"
Me: "Yeah.. she was."
Dr. "It was vaginal...? they didn't cut your stomach open?"
Me: " was a vaginal delivery."
Dr. "So they didn't cut you open? ......Hmm let me check your file."
.....are you SERIOUS?
I'm pretty sure I KNOW where that baby came from.
UGH! Okay I know that was completely off topic,
but for the rest of the check up she proceeded to talk to me like a two year old.
I was so terribly offended...
Needles to say, our 2 month check up was with a
different physician.
So at our 2 month check up it was just me and bunnies,
(timmy was working)
and let me tell you... I was pretty nervous for the torment to come.
After I had told the doctor that I did not want her vaccinated right away,
and explained our reasoning, the pediatrician was
surprisingly supportive.
[Okay, supportive might be pushing it.]
But she didn't chop my head off.
Instead she said printed off something from the CDC
if I chose to have her vaccinated, there are a few vaccines that need to be done by a certain age.
She examined Brynnley and said she is growing and developing healthy.
Although she believes I should still have her vaccinated,
she also believes mama's know whats best for their babies.
Annnnnd she told me not to believe everything I read on the internet!
I'm exhausted, and needing to wrap this up.
I do not at all look down on people who choose to vaccinate their children!
However, we don't feel its right for us, or our daughter.
Just thought I'd throw out there some of what we've gone through in this decision making process.
But hey,
to each their own
ps. still working on the design/ layout... okay, thats a lie. I'm still thinking about working on the layout. Quiet frankly, that just sounds exhausting. And I do not have the patients, or skills, to accomplish it. Maybe I'll find someone else to do the design?